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Modigliani's Oil Paintings

Italian by birth, Amedeo Modigliani moved to Paris in 1906, where, influenced by Cubist trends and by the numerous artistic currents flourishing in the French capital at that time, he developed his peculiar and unique style centered mainly on the depiction of female nudes.

In Modigliani's paintings, and more precisely in the bodies he immortalized, there are hard and two-dimensional lines that recall Egyptian art. The almond-shaped eyes of the protagonists of his portraits and the long necks are unmistakable elements of his artistic production, so unique that it was never associated with any painting movement, much like what happened in a certain sense with Gauguin.

Modigliani, despite his premature death at only 36 years old, was a prolific artist who left not only a vast catalog of paintings and sculptures but also an unmistakable style.