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Custom Art

Custom Oil Paintings


Get a dazzling painting, with noble aesthetics, bright colors, an authentic oil on canvas.

We create customized paintings, commissioned works made from photographs or from our database of famous painters. We copy in oil on canvas, reproducing all details accurately: brushstrokes, colors, and textures; in portraits, landscapes, personal photos, and paintings not available in the store.

See examples of our custom oils;
Click to enlarge:

Oil on Canvas from Photo

Our customized canvases are not printed, but are 100% hand-painted, in oil on canvas. The works are performed by expert copyist painters from our team. We deliver the canvases with a white margin of approximately 7 cm, so they are well prepared to be mounted on a stretcher and/or framed, if desired.

Learn more about the quality of our paintings . Although some of the ones you see below look like photos, they are not, they are 100% hand-painted canvases in our studio:

The price of a custom painting

The prices vary according to the complexity and size, generally, the level of detail in the photo and the number of faces are the main factors determining the work's difficulty. That's why we provide individual quotes. To get an idea of our prices, you can see the paintings in the store.

Get your quote by Contacting us or writing to the Email let us know the image and measurements you desire.

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